
UTA is honored to host a 2024 SoLAR Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI), in partnership with regional educational partners. Going back more than a decade, LASI institutes globally have served as an intellectual and social springboard to accelerate the maturation of the learning analytics discipline. And the learning analytics field continues to expand and mature as it embraces multi-disciplinary approaches to research across learning and education. LASIs today are designed to introduce learning analytics to a new generation of rising scholars and practitioners, and will grow dynamic new communities of researchers and applied scientists to nourish the LA field for years to come.

This Summer 2024 LASI in Arlington, Texas, will also have an immediate impact on faculty and staff from UTA and will benefit educators in the surrounding region, with workshops and tutorials available in learning analytics and the allied areas of data science and the learning sciences, as well as fostering regional collaboration with partner institutions such as Southern Methodist University (SMU). Hands-on training and professional development at this event will focus too on AI in the educational context, for both beginning as well as more advanced participants. Keynote speakers will focus as well on AI and aspects of its application to teaching and learning.

Located in Arlington, Texas, UT Arlington boasts a diverse and vibrant campus known for its strong commitment to research and innovation. With over 180 undergraduate and graduate programs, it caters to a wide range of areas, from engineering and healthcare to business and the arts. As a major research university, UTA’s groundbreaking work spans fields like aerospace, nanotechnology, and translation studies, attracting renowned scholars and students worldwide. Beyond academics, UT Arlington is known for its vibrant student life, offering hundreds of organizations, events, and a thriving athletics program. Nationally ranked and recognized for its affordability and impact on social mobility, the University empowers individuals to achieve their educational dreams and contribute to society regionally, nationally, and internationally.


Tuesday, June 11 - Thursday, June 13, 2024 at UTA

There will be a diverse range of tutorials and workshops with more details coming shortly.

Here is the current list of Leaders and Topics:


  • Craig Thompson, University of British Columbia, Introduction to Predictive Analytics
  • Maciej Pankiewicz, University of Pennsylvania, Large Language Models and Learning Analytics
  • Kate Blackburn, Independent Researcher, Minds, Machines, and Magic: Exploring the Psychology of Language with LIWC
  • Chris Moffett, Columbia University, New Measures & Metrics in Education
  • Ericka Roland, University of Texas Arlington, Racial Liberation in Youth AI Learning in Educational Research


  • Leah Macfadyen, University of British Columbia, Introduction to Learning Analytics
  • Henry Anderson, Elizabeth Powers, University of Texas at Arlington and Srecko Joksimovic, Vitomir Kovanovic University of South Australia, Using LLMs for NLP
  • Robert Moulder, University of Colorado, Boulder, Bayesian Analysis
  • Bonnie Boardman, University of Texas at Arlington, Introduction to Data Analysis with Excel
  • Lin Lipsmeyer, Dr. Neena Imam, Corey Brady, Prajakt Pande, Kyle Roberts, Southern Methodist University, Learning as a Multimodal Phenomenon: Innovative Methods in the Learning Sciences

Link for UTA: https://www.uta.edu/about/rankings



Registration information coming soon!